forum "Being Done with Everyone's Shit Squad" A.K.A The Rude People Chat
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

This was mostly made because one, I'm rude and two, becuase I don't want to deal with peoples shit.

Deleted user

I have nothing against Shuri, but some for some people, being rude is part of their nature.


I'm not normally rude, but when I'm already in a bad mood, you DON'T want to mess with me. A certain teacher of mine keeps sassing me for not paying attention because he's insanely boring and I'd rather pry my eyes out with salad forks and eat them with raspberry vinaigrette then ever take his class again and every time I just want to be like 'maybe if you really want me to 'wake up' then you should actually be interesting, your mindless droning could put an insomniac down for the perfect mid-afternoon nap. Thanks for ruining my day.' But I'm not going to do that because if I did the annoying kids in that class would never let me live it down and my mother would probably murder me the second I stepped through the doorway.

@faltering-through pets

I'm not normally rude, but when I'm already in a bad mood, you DON'T want to mess with me. A certain teacher of mine keeps sassing me for not paying attention because he's insanely boring and I'd rather pry my eyes out with salad forks and eat them with raspberry vinaigrette then ever take his class again and every time I just want to be like 'maybe if you really want me to 'wake up' then you should actually be interesting, your mindless droning could put an insomniac down for the perfect mid-afternoon nap. Thanks for ruining my day.' But I'm not going to do that because if I did the annoying kids in that class would never let me live it down and my mother would probably murder me the second I stepped through the doorway.

I think I'd say the same? Though it takes A LOT for me to snap, even if I'm having a bad day I won't just tell people to fuck off. But damn dude that class sounds like hell and even then hell sounds way more fun lmao.


I'm not normally rude, but when I'm already in a bad mood, you DON'T want to mess with me. A certain teacher of mine keeps sassing me for not paying attention because he's insanely boring and I'd rather pry my eyes out with salad forks and eat them with raspberry vinaigrette then ever take his class again and every time I just want to be like 'maybe if you really want me to 'wake up' then you should actually be interesting, your mindless droning could put an insomniac down for the perfect mid-afternoon nap. Thanks for ruining my day.' But I'm not going to do that because if I did the annoying kids in that class would never let me live it down and my mother would probably murder me the second I stepped through the doorway.

I think I'd say the same? Though it takes A LOT for me to snap, even if I'm having a bad day I won't just tell people to fuck off. But damn dude that class sounds like hell and even then hell sounds way more fun lmao.

Today he wouldn't let me go to the nurse (I had a headache and really bad cramps, plus I've been sick this whole week) because I was bEiNg uNcOoPeRaTiVe even though the other kids in that class literally try to distract him and get him ranting about meaningless things or telling weird anecdotes so that he won't teach anything but honestly some days I don't blame them and I just had to sit there steaming in my own rage while everyone else recited verb conjugations we learned months ago


I'm not normally rude, but when I'm already in a bad mood, you DON'T want to mess with me. A certain teacher of mine keeps sassing me for not paying attention because he's insanely boring and I'd rather pry my eyes out with salad forks and eat them with raspberry vinaigrette then ever take his class again and every time I just want to be like 'maybe if you really want me to 'wake up' then you should actually be interesting, your mindless droning could put an insomniac down for the perfect mid-afternoon nap. Thanks for ruining my day.' But I'm not going to do that because if I did the annoying kids in that class would never let me live it down and my mother would probably murder me the second I stepped through the doorway.

I think I'd say the same? Though it takes A LOT for me to snap, even if I'm having a bad day I won't just tell people to fuck off. But damn dude that class sounds like hell and even then hell sounds way more fun lmao.

Today he wouldn't let me go to the nurse (I had a headache and really bad cramps, plus I've been sick this whole week) because I was bEiNg uNcOoPeRaTiVe even though the other kids in that class literally try to distract him and get him ranting about meaningless things or telling weird anecdotes so that he won't teach anything but honestly some days I don't blame them and I just had to sit there steaming in my own rage while everyone else recited verb conjugations we learned months ago

ok so normally I don't say things like this but that bastard


Yup, don't you wish you could just block people in rl?

That's called murder

or a restraining order but whatever floats your boat man. just don't get caught

Deleted user

Yup, don't you wish you could just block people in rl?

That's called murder

or a restraining order but whatever floats your boat man. just don't get caught

Ho Ho Homicide.