forum Been getting really interested in post-apocalyptic stuff for some reason...
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

thats a good reason buddy, that means you're gonna live

Deleted user

yeah thats what I thought, theres been a theory going around saying their scared of……………bananas.

Deleted user

I kinda of don't want to make a zombie society thank you.


Well, they do. But if I were to guess, I'd say that they would mostly just use the stem part of the brain, which controls their most basic instincts, and a small amount of reasoning power. Maybe a bit of their cerebellum, but not half as much as most people. I'm guessing their cortex and other parts of the brain would be almost dormant.

If they existed, they'd probably have the reasoning ability of an intelligent dog at best. They would probably have the learning ability of a mentally deficient toddler, and they would only be maybe half as smart as the average adult. They would have extremely limited coordination and sensory abilities, and all in all they would probably have an estimated 1IS of ~37 total. However, they would probably have kick ass instincts and intuition believe it or not.