forum Baker Cult!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 38 followers

Deleted user

Come one and all, join my baker cult.
Few rules:

  1. Don't touch my powdered sugar, no it's not cocaine.
  2. Dont worry about the noises from the seccond pantry.
  3. Doughs before hoes

Deleted user

I shall ponder this.
…Yes, you seem cool and I wanna be your friend.

Deleted user

I like making cakes because they're really, really good but I keep having trouble not getting them to fall apart like my sanity. I guess I do destroy everything i touch.

Deleted user

I like smaller treats that i can make in bulk. Thats why I make cookies and pastries a lot.
I also really like decorating.

Deleted user

I'm good at making cupcakes tho. I made my last batch with chocolate mix, which would've been really good with chocolate chips in it now that I think about it, and some cream cheese icing. I'm normally bad at icing, but I recently found an icing kit in storage that I cant wait to try out.

Deleted user

I'm just… V bad at decorating. Anything i make will look soo bad but taste so good to me…

Deleted user

Same tho. These two weeks for me have been utter hell.

Deleted user

Ive been going in between maniac episodes and depprisive ones for about a month.

Deleted user

I cleaned my entire kitchen then trashed my room.

Deleted user

That's our difference, there's an ounce of productivity out of that. I just sit in the corner, wild eyed, eating pizza rolls while i see blood dripping from the walls and my neck.

@GameMaster group

Enters through broken window
Did I hear baking? I’m making a French custard tart right now and it is beating my ass and I’m struggling.

@GameMaster group

You probably burned your yolks. When mixing just sugar and eggs it’s important to mix it immediately very fast or you’ll get kind of a charred savory taste.