forum Awkward, Embarassing and Funny Stories
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 3 followers

@faltering-through pets

Well there was this time where my crush was walking towards the bathroom and I was coming out and I looked up and kinda freaked out (cause I get really nervous around her and feel like I'm gonna embarrass myself or say something wrong) and she smiled and said hi, but I didn't hear her and kinda walked away then like two seconds later I stop and think "Wait she said hi….I should probably say hi back" so I turned around and she was putting her bookbag by the bathroom entrance and she looked at me as she was walking in and I did this really exaggerated wave. Like I wasn't just waving, it was my whole arms, just wildly/ awkwardly making this really weird circular motion (I don't even know). I can't even begin to describe how hard I embarrassed myself. And once she saw that she frikin' lost it and started laughing (and lemme just say that in that moment I was like "Oh shit I made her laugh that's a good thing") then an hour later I just drowned in embarrassment like "wtf did I just do" (and well it might not seem so bad but for me that's the worst thing I could've done to make a first impression)

@Rvan group

So I’m in advanced honors math, right? And was were working on angles and seeing if triangles were congruent or similar or whatnot (I was in geometry at the time) and there were these two triangles. One had a 90 degree angle and the other had the little box thing to signify and right angle (90 degree angle). At the time, the teacher came over to quiz us, and I was basically the only one talking for my group. And for like a whole five minutes I forgot that 90 degrees was a right angle and I was telling this teacher that the triangles weren’t similar (even though they were) and NO BODY FROM MY GROUP CORRECTED ME and then the teacher walked me through and he’s like,
“What’s that angle?” And I’m like “90 degrees, duh”
“What’s that angle?” And I’m like “A right angle, duh”
“What’s the measurement of a right angle?” And then I’m like, “90 degrees, duh, that’s so obvious and- OH MY GOSH I AM SO STUPID”

And so I kinda ruined my reputation as ‘smart’ and ‘belongs in that honors class’ for that teacher…