forum Avengers Infinity War ( spoiler heavy! DON'T CLICK UNLESS YOU'VE SEEN! )
Started by @German_Boats

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@writelikeyourerunningoutoftime there's just so little organic matter within her anymore I don't think that she counts as life.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

He will find away… Somehow. Or here's my theory. The people who are turned into dust are most likely trapped in the soul stone. When Thanos used the gauntlet with all the stones in place, it almost couldn't withstand the power, it almost destroyed itself. I think Dr. Strange knew that before, and when he "died" he told everyone who was trapped in the soul stone that they somehow had to make Thanos use the gauntlet to the breaking point, and that's where Captain Marvel comes in. She has to push the gauntlet to the breaking point in order to free everyone else inside…


Interesting theory. I'm not sure if breaking the gauntlet would work like that –after all, in order for Thanos to gain the soul stone, he had to sacrifice a soul. If they are trapped in the soul stone, then maybe a comparable sacrifice would have to be made.


I love these theory's, they make me happy! And I like Wanda, and Vision is pretty okay, but I can understand how their love seems forced. It does look that way. And I DO NOT like Nat and Bruce together. That was always really weird to me.