forum Australian Chat
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 41 followers


My entire group of friends doesn't take me seriously. They say they'll be there for me but I still haven't been put back on the group chat. Like bitches, I exist

Deleted user

my friends don’t even say that
they have said to my face many times that i’m just an ‘attention seeking whore’

Deleted user

well, it’s something everyone says, friends and family, when i try and speak out so i’m quite used to it


All my friends desperately trying to get boyfriends and I'm over here in a stable gay relationship, like HA you deserve it bitches, lemme back in the group chat

Deleted user

i’m happy and stable(ish) on my own and i will remain that way foreverrrrrrrr


They have this annual camping trip (that they've only done once but call it annual anyway) that I'm not invited to but I couldn't care less cause mhmhm I have insomnia, try getting me in a tent.


i’m happy and stable(ish) on my own and i will remain that way foreverrrrrrrr

If that's what makes you confident and happy, I support youuu! <3

Deleted user

oof, mood

i hate having sleepovers because i am triggered by (me specifically) sleeping so i have repetitive flashbacks when trying to sleep. then if i do get to sleep i have crazy nightmares so i never have anyone over (not that i have any friends to have sleepover with anyway aha)

Deleted user

All my friends desperately trying to get boyfriends and I'm over here in a stable gay relationship, like HA you deserve it bitches, lemme back in the group chat

i support you hun <333 let’s goooooo


I just can't sleep first. I hate people watching me sleep. Even just them looking while my eyes are closed. I physically can't sleep or close my eyes in front of people.

I have one or two 'safe' friends that I can have sleepovers with but otherwise, no freaking way.