forum Audition Advice???
Started by @fruitbatsandearlgrey

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So I have an audition for the school musical coming up and I have to figure out what songs to audition with, and I was wondering if any of you guys knew any suggestions, so if any of you know any good audition songs for a mezzo-soprano I'd love some advice! (I can also share what songs I'm thinking of doing later)


I'm no expert at this so take my advice lightly. I think it would be best to go with a song that you think you sound really well doing and something that evokes emotion from you. And be sure to be confident. Your confidence will surely show.


We can do two songs, so I think what I'm going to do is one typical 'teenager-y' song (because, y'know, I'm a teenage girl) and one dramatic/melancholy-sounding ballad. I have ideas of which actual songs to do, but I'm just trying to figure out my options at the moment

@Becfromthedead group

You should maybe try to do one that's a similar genre to the musical you're auditioning for so they know you can sing that genre. What musical is it, if you don't mind sharing?


Don't forget the words. Sounds obvious, but once I was in a children's play and to audition we had to sing a specific song and since I had only heard the song twice I forgot the lyrics and ended up as a squirrel. It did benefit though because that's how I earned the nickname NutElla.


Sorry for the absence, I've been pretty busy with school and such. We're doing Grease, which is pretty exciting, and our director says we should have two very contrasting pieces that show two different character types/emotions. As I said I have vague ideas of my pieces but suggestions would be helpful

@HighPockets group

Okay so I'm guessing you want a fun song and a sad song.

Fun songs!
Shy from Once Upon A Mattress
Charming from Great Comet
Balaga from Great Comet
Ilona from She Loves Me
A Trip To The Library from She Loves Me
Tonight at Eight from She Loves Me
You'll Be Back from Hamilton
Helpless from Hamilton
Hard To Be The Bard from Something Rotten

Sad/Emotional Songs:
Dust and Ashes from Great Comet
Still from Anastasia
Burn from Hamilton
It's Quiet Uptown from Hamilton
Wait For It from Hamilton
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story from Hamilton
The Great Comet of 1812 from Great Comet
Sonya Alone from Great Comet


Don't choose a song that someone else might also be doing otherwise you'll just be "that other person who sang [song]"
Being memorable is important

@HighPockets group

Yeah also some advice I got from my friends was not to do any songs from a show you know is a favorite of your director. My school's director LOVES Waitress, so no kids are doing Waitress songs because they know she'll judge more harshly because of how much she loves it.


Yeah, I'm trying to pick songs from less-popular musicals or at least ones that not EVERYONE'S doing. I've heard about five people say they're doing the same song and I don't want to be That Kid


Good idea
I mean, you can do what a lot of other people are doing if you are that good but still it's not a very good idea


Try two very contrasting piece and choose things you'll be confident doing
(And if you're not confident then pretend)


I'm pretty experienced with school auditions, it's just that this is the first one I've had to pick my own pieces for. Last year I was one of two people to get a callback for the lead. I was on vocal rest for a week, practiced for hours every night, and read the whole book the show was based on… and didn't get the part. Oh well, at least I had an understudy show to myself


It was actually a really fun show and the girl who actually got the lead and I are really close friends now. Also I just got a paper cut and bled all over my keyboard without realizing it