forum Au Revoir, 2018
Started by Deleted user

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How was your 2018?
Mine sucked ASS but here’s hoping for a new, better 2019


My 2018 was actually really good compared to the previous two years, which both completely sucked for reasons I will not specify. In 2018, though, I feel as though I got a lot better, both at the stuff I do and at the stuff I feel, e.g. I'm a better writer/performer/musician and I'm also more confident in myself. I'm also a wayyy better person and am no longer An Overemotional Idiot, I am now only a Slightly Overemotional Idiot. Good times.

Deleted user

ngl, my 2018 was pretty rough. Early in the year, I had lots of trouble with fake friends and mental health. someone tried to out me on Snapchat. my summer was alright, I guess.
This school year though has been….terrible. bad teachers, tons of work, lots of stress, more mental health trouble. I really hope 2019 is better, I really do