forum Ask questions about life, get answers! ( WikiHow!)
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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How do I properly clip my nails?
How do get rid of road rage even though the bitch needs to feel my wrath how dare you pull out in front of me then go 5 mph under the speed limit like wtf man–
How easy is it to start a new life once you cross state borders? Should I go to a different country instead?

Deleted user

How do I properly clip my nails?
How do get rid of road rage even though the bitch needs to feel my wrath how dare you pull out in front of me then go 5 mph under the speed limit like wtf man–
How easy is it to start a new life once you cross state borders? Should I go to a different country instead?

I relate to all, especially the second 😂


How do I properly clip my nails?
How do get rid of road rage even though the bitch needs to feel my wrath how dare you pull out in front of me then go 5 mph under the speed limit like wtf man–
How easy is it to start a new life once you cross state borders? Should I go to a different country instead?

-Honk the heck out of that jerk.
-Depends whether or not you have a criminal record or credit card.


Who came first, the chicken or the egg?

Chicken. (I'm a Christian, pardon me :) God (or evolution, idrc) created le chicken. If the egg was created first, what would sit on it?

Egg; aquatic animals that laid eggs existed before chickens did. You never specified that it was a chicken egg.

Deleted user

Who came first, the chicken or the egg?

Chicken. (I'm a Christian, pardon me :) God (or evolution, idrc) created le chicken. If the egg was created first, what would sit on it?

Egg; aquatic animals that laid eggs existed before chickens did. You never specified that it was a chicken egg.

Ooh, good one!


Words of encouragement from Shuri-kun!

What's up everyone, I just wanted to say, that you're all such wonderful people…

Each one of you, is smarter, stronger, more simpatico, and more beautiful, than even you know! Such a wonderful culmination of writers, artists, musicians and badasses, each and every one of you a crucial, adamantine pillar holding up the temple that is this site. I love you all more than words can express… And I support you enough to help you carry any burden… Each one of you has the personal fortitude to pick up the shattered pieces of your broken heart and keep going… And as you scale the terraces of this metaphorical "Purgatory of Troubles", I'm sure you'll find it easier to keep calm and carry no, no matter what…

So if you're feeling under the weather, just read this, drink some warm milk, take a shower, and find a way to love yourselves. If you need advice, if you need love, if you need support, if you need to rant, vent or get a few things off your chest PM me, and I'll help you til' my last breath! And I'm sure all of you would do the same for eachother. So keep this community a tight-knit one!

See you round, darlings!