forum Ask other people what they would do in a scenario in your story
Started by @yeetus

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Can be anything, really. You can use other humans' (I presume you are humans, if not, sorry) opinions in your story to make it more realistic .Put "WARNING" in capitals above if there is going to be sensitive topics mentioned.


Ooh this sounds fun. Let's see. What would you do if you discovered a secret about the government, and a way to liberate all of humanity from captivity, but if you reveal the secret you might destroy all of humanity and society?


What would you do if your house caught fire while you were sleeping, you woke up, jumped out a window, passed out, and woke up on an island in the middle of the ocean surrounded by cliffs that apparently no one has escaped before? Also you don't remember your name and are afraid of heights so them cliffs… you know.

Deleted user

I'd start gathering supplies and explore My surroundings. Look for clues to something greater, pull a Thomas on em. If no one escapes its rigged someway. I'd try to find caves or temples or even try to "break" the rigg-ed-ness.


What would you do if all of a sudden you couldn't see, you couldn't move and you can feel a weight pushing you, and hear your best friends screams


Say you're home planet is crazy and terrible. You've lost the only two friends you've had. You know no one else, and simply hate where you are in life. You meet someone who has an easy way off of your home world to Earth, but their race/species is known for murder and extremely untrustworthy. They seem genuinely willing to help though. What do you do?


Say you're home planet is crazy and terrible. You've lost the only two friends you've had. You know no one else, and simply hate where you are in life. You meet someone who has an easy way off of your home world to Earth, but their race/species is known for murder and extremely untrustworthy. They seem genuinely willing to help though. What do you do?

I'd go with them, but this is kinda specific to my personality. I'm fairly desperate to escape places I don't enjoy being in, and even the risk of danger would seem better than living somewhere I hate. Plus, it'd make for an interesting story.


Let's say you're part of a research crew out in space. One of your fellow crew members has disappeared, one's suffered a serious concussion, and another's been straight up murdered. You and your crew figure that these events are linked, and that there's possibly a murderer onboard the spaceship. What do you do?


Turn on my crew and not trust anyone till the murderer is caught
Then prob still worry that the person caught was framed bc im paranoid like that


I'd panic on the inside but try to remain cool and calm on the outside. I would try and piece together the events and get an understanding of how and maybe why to try and figure out who it is.

@HighPockets group

What if you were a thief that had a group of 5 friends, and during robbery one betrayed you all, two died, one left you, and the other shot you and you pass out, and then you wake up and two young girls are on either side of you claiming to be your relatives?


It would depend on how young the girls are. I, personally, I'm unhealthily forgiving and chance giving. I would not fully trust them, but act as if I do while still not lying to them. I would figure out where some adult figure for them is and take them there. I would not give them anything of value. As for the bullet wound, some medical help would probably be a good idea before I do anything else.


So let's say you really suspect your brother has killed his own child so that he can 'go though mourning'. This would make him seem like a terrible person because of how he 'mourns' and would thus lead to his then-wife divorcing him. Then he would be clear to marry his now-wife. This did happen, but you don't really know that and your just suspecting that's what happened. What would you do?


What would you do if your house caught fire while you were sleeping, you woke up, jumped out a window, passed out, and woke up on an island in the middle of the ocean surrounded by cliffs that apparently no one has escaped before? Also you don't remember your name and are afraid of heights so them cliffs… you know.

Why would I jump out f the window anyway? I'd tried to survive on the island without trying to escape and send fire signals and stuff

@Starfast group

In this situation you've been living in hiding for a few years after escaping from your abusive father, who is also the leader of a hate group. You and the other people you've been living with have taken a vote and it's being decided that a guy that you've known for a few months (and are kind of intimidated by) is going in to spy on this group. Your leader asks if anyone has any objections, and yes you do because your father is the leader of this group and you don't want anyone to know.
You object saying that you're "concerned for this other guy's safety" but the other guy has proven to be a skilled fighter so no one really buys this. How do you proceed?


What would you do if all of a sudden you couldn't see, you couldn't move and you can feel a weight pushing you, and hear your best friends screams

My natural instinct is to kick and thrash (highly defensive natural instinct, also applies if you sat on my bed when I'm asleep) but of course that's dumb and I'll also scream my friend's name


I would carefully point out that he is more likely to be seen and more likely to be caught if in a pinch I however am small and and less identifiable , in a pinch I can escape very easily


Say you're home planet is crazy and terrible. You've lost the only two friends you've had. You know no one else, and simply hate where you are in life. You meet someone who has an easy way off of your home world to Earth, but their race/species is known for murder and extremely untrustworthy. They seem genuinely willing to help though. What do you do?

I wouldn't trust them. I'm naturally suspicious


Let's say you're part of a research crew out in space. One of your fellow crew members has disappeared, one's suffered a serious concussion, and another's been straight up murdered. You and your crew figure that these events are linked, and that there's possibly a murderer onboard the spaceship. What do you do?

Not trust anyone but treat everyone the same. Also sleep with a knife and carry a knife (or high-tech gun if I have one). Wear shoes that allow me to move around quietly and make sure I'm constantly in defensive mode


What if you were a thief that had a group of 5 friends, and during robbery one betrayed you all, two died, one left you, and the other shot you and you pass out, and then you wake up and two young girls are on either side of you claiming to be your relatives?

Depends on how young they are. I would be suspicious but listen to your story first then decided what to do next


So let's say you really suspect your brother has killed his own child so that he can 'go though mourning'. This would make him seem like a terrible person because of how he 'mourns' and would thus lead to his then-wife divorcing him. Then he would be clear to marry his now-wife. This did happen, but you don't really know that and your just suspecting that's what happened. What would you do?

I'd probably observe him carefully and only tell the authority if I found enough evidence