forum Ask Me About My Favorite (Insanely Cool) RP Plots
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I've got some WILD roleplays in progress with my best and only close online friend of a few years. And one of my favorite hobbies is trying to explain the chaos to others, so if anyone is interested, prepared for a beautiful trainwreck of twists and turns, impractical events, and just plain comedy/adventure!

Names of current plots:

  • 'Cause All You Ever Do Is Chant The Same Old Mantra (Started 01/06/19)
  • And It Feels Like I'm Stirring Up Crazy (Started 01/12/21)
  • I've Got Friends On The Other Side (Started 02/19/19)
  • All The Little Things (Started 03/19/19)
  • His Watchful Eye (Started 02/14/21)
  • Nobodies Home (Started 09/10/19)

These are listed in chronological order according to in-story events, but feel free to ask about whichever you want based on name or start date. All of these are currently in progress!


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Hello there.

I enjoy chaos. Especially the kind that relates to well-built stories (or, in this case, RPs).

My curious mind would be glad to hear about your brilliant creations. Can you tell me about And It Feels Like I'm Stirring Up Crazy?

Deleted user

Hello to you as well, welcome to my little corner, and thank you for the interest! :D
Before I say anything else, please note that these plots would be so incredibly boring and stiff it wasn't for the friend that I RP with (Faith). Soooo much of the credit goes to her, and she is absolutely brilliant when it comes to this stuff.

'Crazy' is the second newest plot my friend and I have going, although it's set before a lot of the more "climatic" arcs like 'Other Side' through 'Nobodies Home'. Unlike the ones I mentioned, the main plot for 'Crazy' was an idea I've had for well over a year, and it relies entirely on the powers of one of my mutants, Kieran.

Now, Kieran here has the main ability to nullify other supernatural powers whenever he's in a certain radius. His control is wack tho; he can't control it at all, actually, so he wears a pendant engineered to cancel out only his powers to keep them from always being active. 'Crazy' is about him discovering he has a hidden sub power, which is the ability to transfer supernatural powers to other people.

So it goes like this: Kieran and his best friend, Hutch (Faith's character) are at a cosplay convention wandering around in their respective outfits. Hutch thinks he's a pokemon trainer, but he's actually Izaya from Durarara, whereas Kieran thinks he's a pokemon, but he's actually a Korok from the Legend of Zelda. What they don't know is they're currently being hunted down by—you guessed it—the hunters.

The hunter group includes my characters Kelly, Kace, Alik, and Luca, and Faith's characters, Requiem and Reverie. Plot twist? Luca's an imposter. He's a mutant that just randomly showed up and neither Kelly (the second in command) or Requiem (the leader) questioned it because they both think he's the other's new familiar (enslaved supernatural, basically—Alik is Kelly's familiar, for reference, and Kace is a trainee being taught by Requiem). So Luca's just tagging along because he has no self-preservation and he was bored.

What NEITHER Kieran and Hutch nor the hunters realize, is that the MDO (mutant destruction organization) is also there running a toy booth advertising their company, Toys Inc. The MDO and the hunters are long-time enemies 'cause the MDO is a terrorist group always causing mass destruction and always risking exposing their kind to the humans.

Now that that's all set up, here's what happens:

The hunter group is on their way to the location the two mutants they're hunting were last seen, and quickly realize it's a convention of some kind. They stress over not being able to find the two while Reverie (a dragon shapeshifter who can become as small or big as she wants, basically—also Requiem's sister) and Kace debate sneaking off to have fun instead of helping on the hunt. It should be mentioned that Kace is currently holding Reverie, and she's disguised in a puppy costume so people don't question the small dragon. No sooner than all of this is said do they suddenly hear someone belting out the pokemon theme song lyrics at the top of their lungs. Alik laments the fact that they won't be getting food because, knowing his luck, the singing is coming from the people they're looking for.

And it is! Hutch passes the spotlight to Kieran, who finishes off the verse. While the hunters are trying to get Reverie to go over there and confirm they're actually supernaturals (she can sniff them out), they realize they've lost track of the two. Until a super loud voice cuts them off as Hutch, literally like five feet away, compliments Requiem's hunter mask and asks Kieran to get a picture of them with his disposable camera.

Reverie confirms they're supernaturals and Requiem reacts immediately by shooting at Hutch with his drainer rifle (an invention that temporarily zaps supernatural powers) but misses and hits someone else. (Probably a good time to mention that Hutch's power is luck manipulation; he has insanely good luck…most of the time.) Said someone else falls to the ground convulsing and foaming at the mouth, to which Requiem's just like "That's not normal?" and BAM

It's Phantom (Faith's character), a hive mind and part of the MDO. The rest of the MDO comes crawling out of the woodwork, including Mary (Faith's, the leader, a psychokinetic), Sivik (Mine, enhanced senses), and Tara (Faith's, can bring toys to life at the cost of her sanity; needless to say, she's looney). Respectively, they're dressed as Venelope from Wreck-It Ralph, Black Star from Soul Eater, and Coraline from Coraline, but with buttons for eyes. The two hive members currently in the vicinity are dressed as Attack on Titan cosplayers. Also, Sivik has a sword.

Anyways, there's a huge confrontation and the crowd is starting to worry that people might be in danger, so Requiem does the only logical thing and takes Reverie back from Kace, takes her puppy costume off, then freaking yeets her into the sea of people where she acts like an animatronic.

Kace, mortified and worried, ditches everyone to rescue Reverie as the rest of the hunters take off after the MDO, who grabbed Hutch and Kieran and are leading them to safety. The MDO + 2 make it back to their booth, the hunters quickly catching up but unable to actually make a move because of all the people watching. Kelly has at some point stolen a Roadhog mask off some poor cosplayer's head, while Kace bought a Golden Freddie mask and Luca a red Ninjago mask. Alik just wants to go home.

Hutch thinks the reason the hunters aren't making a move is that the table is magic, so he taunts them and throws candy at Requiem's head. Requiem and Kelly are at a loss until Tara catches up to everyone, at which point Requiem's like "Wanna be a hostage?" to trade for the two mutants they're hunting. Actually this part is too good to summarize so I'mma just—

(Faith's response, I had nothing to do with any of the words written in this screenshot)

Luca decides to buy one of the MDO's plushies during all this while Sivik makes an attempt to bribe Tara back to their side with the mention of pie, triggering a reaction in Phantom's hive members all around the convention as they simultaneously perk up and say, "Pie??" It turns out Luca has been using Kelly's wallet, which he stole, to make all his purchases, and he gives it to Sivik who tosses it to Phantom. He then threatens Kelly with his sword, who Kelly ends up grabbing and turning back on him, and while…ALL of this is happening, Hutch and Kieran have decided that they no longer feel safe and try to escape under the "magic tables".

Unfortunately for them Reverie and Kace have returned at this point, the former of which grabbing Hutch from under the table and pulling him out. Kieran follows, trying to get his friend back.

Kelly sees them and abandons the hope of getting his wallet back, instead going over to grab Kieran who, feeling like he has no other choice at this point, takes his pendant off in an effort to cancel out Reverie's dragon powers and give his friend a chance to escape. Except, that's not what happens.

The hunter group, Luca and the MDO all reel back, nearly everyone falling to the ground at a sudden pain in their chests as their powers get swapped (or, in the humans' cases, are given).

Alik: Aerokinesis
Luca: Kinetickinesis
Reverie: Dragon Physiology
Sivik: Enhanced Senses
Mary: Psychokinesis
Tara: Toy Manipulation
Phantom: Hive Mind
Kelly: Human
Requiem: Human
Kace: Human

Alik: Psychokinesis
Luca: Human
Reverie: Human
Sivik: Dragon Physiology
Mary: Aerokinesis
Tara: Kinetickinesis
Phantom: Human
Kelly: Toy Manipulation
Requiem: Enhanced Senses
Kace: Hive Mind

Kieran and Hutch make a mad dash to escape, succeeding, while everyone else has a collective 'wtf just happened' moment. So far Kace is the only one who's caught on, mainly because he's now suddenly in control of all these people all around the convention. Kelly, who got Tara's power, is now suffering from the same loss of sanity she did due to the sheer number of toys under his control.

AND that's where we're at currently. The link is here if you want to check it out!


This is… amazing. Complex, but amazing, and your guys' humor is top notch. Kudos to you guys for your awesome RPing abilities.

Deleted user

Thank you so much!! We've been roleplaying together for years developing these characters, and to this day I don't think either of us has found anyone else with a more compatible style of writing. As for it being complex… You have no idea XD

I don't even think I mentioned how Mary is Requiem's daughter, or how Kelly once stabbed and kidnapped Mary only to let her go in exchange for information on the MDO (a mistake, really, but he got a literal get-out-of-jail-free card out of it, so—), or how Mary later got retaliation by stabbing him when he entered the library Sivik works at. Or Sivik's penchant for attacking people (specifically Kelly) with spoons. Honestly, everything is so interwoven at this point that it's a complicated, beautiful mess!


I used to have a friend I did RPs like that with, and I miss them like heck! Those kind of RPs are literally the best. Like beautiful masterpieces of insanity, honestly.