forum Asexual Chat
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 5 followers

Deleted user

Chants quietly ace is the plac with the helpful hardware and folks

Deleted user

I don't but it sounds cool. I rule Greece, Croatia, and Archenland respectively.

Deleted user

Chants quietly ace is the plac with the helpful hardware and folks


Deleted user

Yes. Quite.
I'm currently taking over Australia too - mostly the hotels.

Deleted user

Speaking of which I have a character who's aromantic and another that's gay and idk how to let it show without straight up telling them…the gay one is a goose btw.

Deleted user

I just cant wait for sex ed, its going to be great Dead inside face -_-

Deleted user

Also…idk how to come out as ace to my dad, because he's kind of against the different sexualities?? Should I tell him at all??

Deleted user

yO HI I'M PANROMANTIC but still kinda questioning
i might be demisexual so i'm sorry if i'm invading
@Midnight-Girafficorns-Grand-Master-Proud-Buzz-Buzz-And-Fork-Cult-Member-Who-Makes-Terrible-RPs for ur dad, maybe bring the subject up with him a few times
name a made-up person who happens to be ____sexual and see what his response is to that
but i mean you could always say you don't like sex or don't particularly want it
basically define asexual without the word asexual?? maybe
also for the characters, have them show some interest in the same gender in a romantic way, such as "s/he is so hot" or "they're super pretty" and that should do the trick
layer it a few times if necessary lmao
that's what i plan on doing with my (pansexual) character

@HighPockets group

Yeah like since my story is set in the future(????) labels aren't really a thing and people are chill with sexualities so like Therese and Nell are a couple, Peggy has an ex girlfriend and an ex boyfriend, Jon has a girlfriend and also has/had a massive crush on his friend Oliver, Oliver only ever loved Emily so he's greyromantic/sexual, Jo and Samuel have a talk about wanting to be together but not sexually, Amira is a lesbian and so is Sarla and they dated, Darius is bi, Izzy is pan, Asher is aroace, Nich is demi-bi, Emily was bi, Stephen is demi-pan, Francesca is bi, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) is demi, Della is bi, Teagan is pan, amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) is ace, Theo is bi, Geneva's grey-bi, Jackson's pan, Martha is gay, so's Anita, and Erica, Leah and Jayson are demi, Talia is bi, Fern and Huxley are demi, Adalia is bi, Ayla is pan, Lysander is ace, etc. I apologize for the laundry list.

Deleted user

oh my god that's great dump a laundry list on me any time
I fully plan on having my entire cast lgbtqa+ but i'm having some trouble because i'm trying to write this one character but he sounds keeps sounding so straight so idk what to do lmao

@HighPockets group

The issue for me with having, as TVTropes says, "A cast full of gay" is that I feel like I'm not allowed to kill anyone. I mean, Amira dies and she's gay so is it 'Bury Your Gays' even though her death legitamently is a turning point in the war and indirectly sets up the climax when her girlfriend shoots her sadistic commander for rubbing Amira's death in Peggy (her younger sister's)'s face while Peggy's boyfriend is bleeding out?