forum Art fight, notebook style?
Started by @Dirt

people_alt 45 followers


Idk where this would go, so um yeah.

Digital artists! Traditional artist! Painters! I summon the to battle!

ART FIGHT! I'm pretty sure I missed my opportunity to join in this year, so I'm starting one here on notebook.
art fight is basically one big draw this in your style competition.

how to enter
-post some of your art.
-have at least one OC public.

how to play/ Rules
-is someone draws one of your OC's or the art you originally posted you have to draw something of theirs.
-if someone draws something of yours and you don't respond in 42 hours you are out!
-we'll have teams of two instead of two giant teams.
-no hate
-no stealing art
-no telling someone their art sucks, cuz all art is good!!!!!
-don't post anything inappropriate as your entry. There are smol children on this site.
-if you break any of the rules you are out.
-if you are leaving say so. (We will welcome you back.)
-if you're out cuz you failed to respond. you may come back after 42 hours.

And I can not stress this enough,


But over all have fun. ^^

@Starfast group

Ooh sounds like fun!

if someone draws something of yours and you don't respond in 42 hours you are out!

By responding do you mean acknowledging the drawing in some way, or actually drawing for that person?


Could I join? And if so could making a public page with just character refs work for having public OCs?


Is the first art piece you share here just to show your art style?


Is the first art piece you share here just to show your art style?

Not really, more like if someone wants to draw the thing you posted. More then one entry is aloud.


Oh, okay. In that case I guess I'll give two creatures for anyone to draw. I'll link them so they don't take up too much space in the thread. Ilogens and Deslogens
Are we assigned teams or do we just team up with whoever?


OH YES! I though it was in April! I got really sad lol.
Well now we have an art fight on here too. Sweet!


I'm still really glad to have an Artfight here. I don't have any of the social media you can use for the official ArtFight lol