forum Are there any orchestra players here?
Started by @Googly_I (inactive)

people_alt 4 followers

@Googly_I (inactive)

I'm personally a cello player. At first i was gonna play violin in 5th grade but my mom never bought a violin, so i had to drop out of it. In middle school i randomly had it as one of my classes even though i had no memory of signing up for it. So then thats when i hooked up the cello.

@Becfromthedead group

I played the violin for 2 years if that counts for anything (probably not). The only instrument I ever really stuck with was the piano.
My school is an arts school, so we all specialize, and for music, we have band, chorus, orchestra, and piano, so I saw 3/4 of those set up as chats here, and realized that I'm not going to fit in anywhere because I'm primarily a soloist, so we can both be lonely, I guess. I just want to talk about music with someone, tbh.