forum Application error buddy page
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

It's so stupid! Like why does it happen! (The application error)

Deleted user

You are right. It kept me off line for about 3 hours ,._.,

Deleted user

Hello, this has been happening for 2 days now for me and it's been keeping me off this website for about 4 hours already.

Deleted user

I know right? Is this because too many people are on the website or like is it a creator issue?

Deleted user

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) updated it X(

Deleted user

I got a pattern here, the application errors start from 7:00 A.M (Atleast for me.) And they end around 11:00 AM

Deleted user

Is that why you had to leave early yesterday on the rp group? If so it would make sense

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin


I opened a ticket with the company that hosts our servers to figure out why this happens. I pay for dynamic server loading (creating more servers when there aren't enough to handle load) and occasionally it just… stops working until I manually restart it in their interface. I'm trying to figure out why.

Deleted user

Oh ok, that would explain why. Thank you for explaining this to us.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

(Also, the pattern is "when I'm sleeping", heh. During the day I have alerts that go off if anything happens to the site so I can fix it quickly, but the last two issues have happened around 3am my time, so if they don't fix themselves they usually get fixed when I wake up in the morning. Sorry about this!)