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people_alt 31 followers

Deleted user

Apparently I type super fast.


Really fast

This observation was made by a girl in my Bio class when she had given me her phone to look something up. Literally a couple strokes of the keyboard and I had it typed up. And she was like, “Wow! That was super fast!”

idk i’m bored and I wanted to share that

So if you’re in an RP with me that’s how I respond so fast


Well according to the fact that not only can I not RP to save my life but I also haven't responded in days, I'm either the world's slowest typer or I fell asleep on the keyboard

Deleted user

Lol same. Then there are other days when I get stuck on one word and sit there for years.

Deleted user

I'm also a pretty fast typer, I just take a bit to check my spelling.


I can type fairly fast as well (I'm better at it on a computer than a phone, though). My sister, on the other hand, uses literally one finger and takes forever to find the letter she's looking for.