forum Anyone with OCD (diagnosed)? Obsessions and rituals.
Started by @n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

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@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

For those with OCD, what are the things you have obsessions/rituals with?
I have this thing with the number 3 and the number 9 (which is 3 3's). I like things to be arranged in 3, divisible by 3, and I refuse to count in anything but lots of 3. I also have a very bad habit of keeping library books way passed their return by date, and hate when I have to give them back. I lock the doors/windows in my house after I close them, and stress the hell out when other people don't (It drives my mum nuts). I constantly hoard art supplies in case I can use them in the future, and keep pens even after they run out because I don't want to throw them out. I also place my phone face down unless I am listening to music, and then I place it face up.