forum Anyone who just needs a place to release cuz of daily tasks and life
Started by @CharlieTheSlayer fastfood

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@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

So I woke up and I was really tired and really sick but I didn't care that much and I kinda just got up and did my makeup. Then I did my hair and everything was going pretty good. I walked the dogs and gave them breakfast. Then I ate my own breakfast and realized I wasn't wearing deodorant so I went upstairs and put some on and I remembered to put cologne on too. Then I put on socks and almost missed my bus. Then I went to school and had some fun fir the first 2 periods Then I got mad over nothing (it was soemthing but it isn't important). And then I got mad at myself for being mad over it. Then I went to pictures and I my skirt got caught on the freaking arm of the chairs in the autotorim. And I ripped my skirt. Then I had an ok lunch and then I went to class and some fucking boy made Mr kleem yell at us and take away our notes for tests and phones. Then I go to bio and bio is annoying as always. Then art and chipr is ok but then I can't find you guys to walk out of the building together like we do every day. Then I come home and have 2 hours of peace but then I go downstairs to get a garbage bag for the kitchen carbage and the fucking Basant is wet because the thing that turn the sub pump on freaking got stuck and it didn't turn on do it just kept getting fuller and fuller and then it overflowed. And so I had to get my dad to help me fix it. The base for it had moved so I had to sacrifice a pan from my little play kitchen stuff. And then I am also feeling like shit and liteally cupid from 5050 and you guys are not helping. Talking to you guys is supposed to help.

@RhysTheFirebird group

I am about to just explode, I feel very stupid and im dumb compared to everyone

U are stupid for thinking that char.

Is that really the best way to dissuade someone from feeling stupid?

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

I am about to just explode, I feel very stupid and im dumb compared to everyone

U are stupid for thinking that char.

Is that really the best way to dissuade someone from feeling stupid?

Yes. (No but I know them irl)

@CharlieTheSlayer fastfood

I am about to just explode, I feel very stupid and im dumb compared to everyone

U are stupid for thinking that char.

Is that really the best way to dissuade someone from feeling stupid?

Yes. (No but I know them irl)

(u do know me irl but you help in odd ways, i dont mind but theyre creative lol)