forum Anyone want to talk about Twenty One Pilots?
Started by @twenty_one_fall_out_bois_at_the_disco

people_alt 13 followers

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Oh-no!! That means you can't be surrounded by music at all points of the day so you can avoid human contact except with those you know aren't little *sstowns! You must get them fixed or get new ones! Your sanity may depend on it!! XD

You're right! I must get new earphones! :O My sanity depends on it!


I want to go so bad and I’m trying to convince my parents it’s life changing while also trying to convince my sister that she would like it there too

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Unfortunately for me, concerts aren't a big thing in my family… ):

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HULLO, MY PRECIOUS CAR RADIOS. (Yes, I just called you all car radios.)


Hiya guys, I don’t know the band that well because I’m still getting into them, but can i just say the Oh Miss Believer is a masterpiece