forum Anyone want a character draw???
Started by @Shroom

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Try drawing my character, Lilium Starlight, based on this description:

Her name is Lily. She's albino. I say she's albino, but that only applies to her skin. Her eyes are a warm brown with straight hair the shade of black coffee, but far more expressive. Her face was always standing in a neutral position, one straight horizontal line for a mouth, and a gaze so unreadable an old lady took her glasses out for a better look. Sadly, her pretty bunch of hair is tightly fastened into a short ponytail behind her head with a triangular tendril at each side, going a centimeter or two below her chin.
"It's only necessary." She utters when asked about the hairstyle.
She's burdened with piloting a spaceship and bounty hunting, so anything that may be necessary is done in the snap of a finger. A belt with a gun holster is swung around her hips plus a backpack on her… back.
She claimed to never be in an army of any kind, but her walk alluded to a soldier's march. She wears the same uniform every day, a full-body suit, matching boots, always black gloves. The suit can be bright green but is more often a pitch black with white diamond-like shapes at the elbows and knees. A line can be indicated if I squint hard enough, going down the middle of the suit from her neck to her hips. A zipper? I tell her she looked better in the green suit, that the color suits her, to which she retorts:
"I only wear it when necessary. The black suit is superior."
Her last name is Starlight, which she claims is not a pseudonym. Starlight. A poetic title used as a symbol of hope, but I hardly see any spark of it in her.