forum Anyone Wanna Talk Writing?
Started by @Julianaknowz___

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My dad has to tell me to get the book out of my face constantly. I am always reading or writing and it drives my siblings crazy because they think that I never come out of my room.


I adore anything to do with words. Writing, reading, acting, singing, talking XD. I don't really get my writing out much, so rps are good cause I like seeing other techniques and adapting to diffrerent styles


I sing 24/7. It's kind of a family thing, I guess. My Pop(grandpa) was in a quartet. And acting is really fun, especially improv.


Ooh cool! I would love to actually take some more acting classes, but I'm in Brazil right now so I can't. So I just go on youtube and Pinterest to get tips and tricks, and I practice my acting on my siblings.