forum anyone wanna talk about height and why it's so hard being short, tall, or in the middle
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I'm 5'3'', I get bullied and I can't reach things up high. Because I'm so small, some people think I'm an easy target at school.

Deleted user

Ohh noo! That's not okay! I really don't understand humans sometimes lol. I'm 5'3" as well though, so I understand that aspect.

Deleted user

Well I'm short, nice to meet you tall person. The best thing about being short is that you are the champion in hide 'n seek


I’m 6’3” and while reaching things isn’t a problem sitting in certain places like in a plane gets kinda hard because of leg space. And then there’s the fact of back problems; taller people are more likely to get them. I personally don’t have them as bad as I’ve seen other people get them, though.

It’s really weird when you’re the tallest person in your house though lol

Deleted user

Yeah leg room for short people is great, no problem here. I have back pain and it's really bad.

Deleted user

I'm 5'3 too. I'd like to be taller, but honestly, it's not a big deal. People only really bring it up when they're flirting with me or if we're friends. I'm the baby of my family so they joke about it sometimes too.
Then again, I have strange growing patterns. I shrank two inches once. I'm still growing, even though I'm kind of through that 'growing phase' age.

Deleted user

I have shrank too, I'm 5'3'' (female) I'm the baby of the family also, I have a bit more Asian blood

@Becfromthedead group

I'm 5'4 with short legs, so driving is a pain. But it's really funny watching my 5'10 dad or 6'2 fiance try to get the driver's seat adjusted after I've been driving.
No one makes fun of me except my fiance for my height, and to be fair, they're just very tall, and they think it's cute that I have to stand on my tiptoes to kiss them, and that sort of thing.
Also, at my college dorm, I can't get in bed without using a stepstool, and it's really sad.

Deleted user

If I ever get a boyfriend, I'd rather have them tall then short. And your getting married? Congrats, I'm still a young soul that's in high school and I'm probably gonna stay single for the rest of my life.

Deleted user

As a bisexual, I always want to be taller than girls but shorter than guys.

It's not easy lmao.