forum Anyone use Patreon or Ko-Fi?
Started by LadySeshiiria

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What's your experience been like? Is it working for you, or is it a bummer? Do you trust Patreon with your tax information, especially in today's age where people sell your information, or there are security leaks?

Feel free to share your links and I'll check you out. Here's mine:


Are there any blog platforms out there that don't have hidden fees once you go over a certain bandwidth, page views a month or something? Anything that may work as a platform that isn't facebook or tumblr? Also anything that doesn't allow for reposting or repinning that obligates the original source. I hate how people can repost on tumblr and the original source can get lost. I've had to hunt stuff down because of it. I don't mind if it gets pinned or reposted as long as the link origin stays in tact and that there is no way to claim something you don't own. I found out a place called frizia for artist females and it doesn't care if there is infringement and people repost stuff claiming it theirs all the time. Annoying to say the least.