forum anyone up to talk...i'm at a little low point rn and I just... could use a friend
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 4 followers

Deleted user

I'm honestly really embarrassed
I was doing really well for a while there, feeling okay
but then a couple things happened tonight and I just felt ..hollow. pathetic. embarrassing.
and I know other people have it way worse so I shouldn't even be sad
but here I am

Deleted user

(also I thought it was funny that both of you had snake pfps)

Deleted user

alright but seriously does it ever feel like life is sucker punching you in the gut and it might be easier to just give up then to try to fix It because that's what I feel like ugh ugh ugh


alright but seriously does it ever feel like life is sucker punching you in the gut and it might be easier to just give up then to try to fix It because that's what I feel like ugh ugh ugh

yeah, I get what you mean but trust me it's not worth it to give up

Deleted user

but, I just, can't seem to get it right. nothing.
I could launch into a list of things I hate about myself, but the ways I have to fix them are very very small and most likely nonexistent


I have a few things that help me get by when I start feeling like that. Some of them are really hard, some of them are easy but aren't as effective.

  1. Think about what you love about yourself. Or at least things that you know aren't bad. Remind yourself of all of the positive things people have said about you.
  2. Take a day off to take care of yourself. Take a relaxing bath with some soft music, drink some tea, take a nap, hum one of your favorite songs, read a good book, do some face masks and just chill out, etc.
  3. Rant to somebody about how you're feeling. Sometimes it can really help to just get everything off of your chest and know that somebody is really listening.


Here are mine… Because we all hsve those…

  1. Above all else, if you feel insecure or bad about yourself, take a day to try to improve yourself, learn new things, improve skills, work out…
  2. Sometimes there are those days when you have to simply regress into a creature of comfort… Drink warm milk, take a shower, curl up in some blankets…
  3. Seek help from someone else, or eben just take a day devoted to how badass you are…

Because you are badass moonie!


Oh yeah, I feel that way sometimes. If you have someone you really trust, I would tell them what it is you feel, even it sounds stupid of selfish. Just put it into words out loud. Then sleep. It might make you feel better. You are right; people have it worse. But that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be not okay and need help and to need to talk about it.



No matter what demons you face, no matter how tough it gets, no matter how many pieces you feel as if you've been torn into…

You pick up the pieces of your shattered heart, and over time, as you push, you may find it easier…

You may watch your heart grow from a cold empty casket, to a warm, adamantine pillar. There will still be scars… But that's okay…

Deleted user

awww thanks so much everyone
great advice
you guys are the best


Words of encouragement from Shuri-kun!

What's up everyone, I just wanted to say, that you're all such wonderful people…

Each one of you, is smarter, stronger, more simpatico, and more beautiful, than even you know! Such a wonderful culmination of writers, artists, musicians and badasses, each and every one of you a crucial, adamantine pillar holding up the temple that is this site. I love you all more than words can express… And I support you enough to help you carry any burden… Each one of you has the personal fortitude to pick up the shattered pieces of your broken heart and keep going… And as you scale the terraces of this metaphorical "Purgatory of Troubles", I'm sure you'll find it easier to keep calm and carry no, no matter what…

So if you're feeling under the weather, just read this, drink some warm milk, take a shower, and find a way to love yourselves. If you need advice, if you need love, if you need support, if you need to rant, vent or get a few things off your chest PM me, and I'll help you til' my last breath! And I'm sure all of you would do the same for eachother. So keep this community a tight-knit one!

See you round, darlings!


Hey… Darling… You may have anxiety, but it's not like you suddenly developed it out of the blue, you've probably had it for quite some time, and now that you know about it, you can do more about it…

As for your feminine issues, well, I may be a dude, and thus I don't have that issue, but I get into a shit-ton of fights (most of them are planned, with my friends, and we're always cool after it), so I'm always either getting others' blood or my own all over my clothes. Especially my good ones. Although usually it's a choice for me…

And… I'm sorry your parents are showing favoritism, but you know, you can use your anxiety as a weapon against that.
(That probably makes me sound like a terrible person, but what I mean, is that if you need to call them out, and tell them how it makes you feel.

Sorry, I wish I could be more helpful.