forum Anyone know a lot about classical Greece?
Started by @Broken Princess

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@Broken Princess

I’d like to know the details about daily life in Sparta (and only Sparta) during the classical period in particular. I don't need to know about mythology, I've got that. I need the details about society and life. Feel free to share whatever you know - anything helps!

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BRUH I had a 3 year long obsession over percy jackson, I know some stuff. Have any specific questions?

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i know most o he mythology
no, not from PJO (though it is a good seires)

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I also know a fuzz-ton of random stuff from ancient rome. Did you know they used pearl fragments on the side of the road that reflected the moon's light so no one would go off the street?


In Sparta, at least in the early ages, women had a lot of freedom. They were allowed to roam free, hunt, and were expected to be fit. They ran the house since the Spartan men were almost always off in war.
Sons were taken from their mothers at the ripe of age 7 to be trained in the art of war.
If you were weak, you were killed.
Very barbaric compared to most of Greek and ran under an oligarchy,

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Sparta women were also alowed to play sports and i think they could also own propety

@Broken Princess

Okay, let me clarify. I, too, read the Percy Jackson series. I'm not asking about mythology, I'd like to know what society and daily life were like. Sorry for the confusion.

@Becfromthedead group

I know a little bit about daily life, but honestly not much… The main things I do know have already been said- about how women were more free there than in many of the other city-states. This was partially because they were honored as the mothers of warriors, and if logic leads me to the correct conclusions, the men weren't always home to run the household. Additionally, marriage in Sparta was slightly different. In Athens, and many other parts of Greece, women traditionally married older men. However, in Sparta, it was much more common to marry someone your age, and a girl also would get married in her early 20s, not as a teenager to ensure that she could bear children without as high of a chance of complications.
Also I know that Wikipedia gets a lot of hate, but you should totally use their article on Sparta for research. It's got a lot of good stuff (I used it to fact-check some of my statement, but there's a lot there).

@Becfromthedead group

No problem! I admire your willingness to research. Usually I try to stick to building my own world specifically so that no one can fact-check me. I do at least try to make injuries/accidents/etc. realistic though.