forum Anyone Here For A Forum Game
Started by @Sugar-Lover

people_alt 7 followers


This one is you tell a random fact about yourself. One person will ask a question then you answer it and ask a new one. Try to keep the questions to personal, and be unique. You can repeat questions just not on the same page.

Person A: What color is your hair?
Person B: Blonde. Where was the last place you traveled?
Person C: Paris. An inside joke you have?
Person D: My foot's in my shoe. What one fun thing you did today?


I would personally go to S.Korea, just to say that I’ve been there. But I wouldn’t want to stay just visit for a longer period of time than a normal vacation.

What color are your eyes?

Deleted user

i spoke only in vine refrences for a day and my friends tried to figure out what i was saying


Both, I like being warm but breathing cold air and wearing sweatshirts. I also like warm and cold drinks. Snow is nice but so is the beach

Favorite song?