forum Anyone graduating HS this year?
Started by @WriteOutofTime

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@Becfromthedead group

I'm going to college about two or three hours away from home and doing chemistry/pre-med. I've already found a roommate and committed, so I feel pretty much set. I'm really excited. I love the school I picked.


That is so similar to me!! I'm going to a college three hours away, biology/premed. I met my roommate at a scholarship interview

@Becfromthedead group

That's cool! I already knew my roommate. We go to the same high school. I hadn't planned on rooming with someone I already knew, but we get along very well, so it should work out. How long until you finish school? I've got two more weeks after tomorrow. Honestly I'm freaking out just a little because of exams and everything else my teachers are asking of me.


Same. The worst thing is trying to fill in like the gaps you've been ignoring for the past year. For example I still don't understand like random subjects in calculus but I was able to scrape by them. But they're probably going to be on the final so now I need to figure out what it was I couldn't figure out lol

@Becfromthedead group

Pretty much. I took AP calc last year, and it was… something else, and something I'm never going to use in my life. But this year I'm taking AP chemistry, which is actually a more important subject, and I literally made a 20 on the last unit test. As you can see, I'm finishing strong.


that's great! I'm homeschooled, so I got to choose my online calculus course. I accidentally chose something called calculus instead of AP calculus AB or BC, so it's basically as difficult as Calculus 1 and 2 in college. at least i'm prepared lol. I took honors Chemistry two years ago (an actual class) and it was the most fun I've ever had in school

@Becfromthedead group

I wish I could go back to honors chem… I did so well in there. And this year, AP chem is wild. I've been struggling to hold a B all year, and this quarter in that class, I've been continuously failing everything, which is super unusual for me.