forum Anyone else obsessed with space?
Started by @actual-fandom-trash

people_alt 5 followers


No? Just me? Okay.

Firstly, the super blood wolf moon eclipse was freaking e p i c !
I got to use a telescope and see the moon up close and I really wanna go to my local planetarium since I've never been. And I want a telescope really bad now.

And I really really really really wanna watch a meteor shower away from the city lights, but light pollution and school are my enemy. The next meteor showers are all school nights. I also wanna go with someone who actually cares about space so we can stargaze in silence. (Seriously, that's a dream of mine.) ((Yes I'm talking to you @"Every.Fandom.Ever.") Please come with me one day)


I love astronomy, especially weird science-y stuff that makes people go into complete existential crisis because of just how weird and slightly terrifying it is! Did that sound crazy? Yeah it sounded pretty crazy. I should be studying


…This brought back a few memories

When I was 4, I used to get upset when I said goodnight to my family but didn't get to say goodnight to the moon. So for a few years, it became this tradition to go outside with a telescope and look at the night sky, just so I could say goodnight.

Deleted user

Cute! I just love the contrast of black and white. It makes me feel happy. And then the burst of colors here and there. it's so pretty!

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

I identify very much with this discussion, so I decided that I would post a thingy that happened.

The other night, I took my dog outside right before bed, and I chanced a look up at the sky.

There wasn't a cloud in sight, and the moon was nearly full, hanging there in all of its pearly glory. With the moon looking so big, I could almost imagine that it was a place that I could travel to in only a few days. I was completely entranced, just staring up at the sky with my jaw dropped. My eighteen-pound dog had to basically drag me inside.

The moon is hecking lit, y'all.