forum Anyone awake at Midnight and Past, come and join me, so I won't be lonely.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 55 followers

@Echo_6 group

It is midnight where I am. and I should be asleep. But I have depression and anxiety so I'm to busy worrying about everything and nothing at the same time. Yeehaw! How are all the rest of you doing?

Deleted user

don't worry, i have depression and anxiety too so i stay up a lot

Deleted user

i hate being in such a different time zone to most people on here :(

@saor_illust school

aw that's okay tho, it just means you'll be more active for us late night owls :D too bad i won't have as much opportunity to do so when school starts. hopefully i can get back to a more normal sleep schedule soon haha

Deleted user

i know, it just makes it harder for me to talk to you guys :(

@saor_illust school

not really, mostly in the morning would be a problem tbh since not many people are going to be up at say 3 in the morning (ahem totally not talking about my dad lol)

Deleted user

(i'm asking the question 'how are you' not criticising if you are well or not.. thought i'd make that clear aha)

@saor_illust school

i'm good, but i seriously can't wait for school to start again because i literally got together with my friends all in one place like two times this entire summer

Deleted user

i nearly copied and pasted an entire story into this section instead of a document, i REALLY don't know how to use this website aha

@saor_illust school

Ahaha lol, buuuut I have to know -

~First off, why were you pasting an entire story?
~What's this story about? wink wink i may want to read this story

Deleted user

i was pasting it into a document on this website because it's connected to my school website (and it's not school friendly)
it's more of a script than a story but it's about someone with mental illness battling with her 'demons'

Deleted user

aha, i'm glad at least one person finds it interesting aha