forum Anyone an Erudite?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 5 followers


As for being part dauntless, I wear a lot of black. I don’t know what the second most frequently occurring color I wear, but I’m guessing it’s red or blue.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm not dauntless… at all. I run away at the first sign of trouble. The only reason anyone might guess I was dauntless is because of my aesthetic


Don’t worry. Sometimes I’m afraid, but what makes me dauntless is the fact that I ignore the fear. And I’m sure there are plenty of others in the same boat as you.

Deleted user

Do you even know what it means? X'D

Yes, I know what I said.

Deleted user

…………… And you call yourself a Euridtite……..

quality spelling there


Deleted user

I have a partial aptitude for Amity if that makes you feel better.

@Becfromthedead group

Okay, now I'm kind of interested to see everyone's estimated percentages for the different factions. I'd say I'm 65% Erudite, 20% Amity, 10% Candor, 5% Abnegation, and 0% Dauntless


ohh in that case I'm probably 60% Amity, 20% Erudite, 10% Abnegation, 8% Candor, 2% Dauntless (i don't actually have many fears I'm just so non-combative and compromising i cant be dauntless)

Deleted user

63.49% Erudite, 21.3% Abnegation, 15% Amity, 0.2% Dauntless, 0.01% Candor

Deleted user

45% Candor, 25% Erudite, 15% Dauntless, 10% Abnegation, 5% Amity.