forum Anybody want to help me develop some Wings of Fire characters?
Started by @PastelTart

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I need help developing some characters. Starting with the queens. I'd like to make at least one of them an antagonist, but I'm terrible at character development. Anyway, here's the queens.

Queen Sandstone of the SandWings
Queen Cyprus of the MudWings
Queen Angelfish of the SeaWings
Queen Amber of the SkyWings
Queen Passionfruit of the RainWings and NightWings
Queen Frostbite of the IceWings
Queen Widow of the HiveWings(Like a Black Widow. The spider.)
Queen Morpho of the SilkWings
Queen Venus of the LeafWings(Like a Venus Flytrap)

@The-Magician group

Yo I would love to help out!
Could you give me a little more detail on the types of ‘wings’ as you’ve stated? It’s okay if you don’t have much for them.


Oh, you want info on the tribes? Okay.

These dragons live in the Kingdom of Sand, the desert. They have venomous barbs on their tails like scorpions, which they use to kill their prey, or stab at their enemies. They breathe fire, and can survive for days with little food or water, much like camels. Their scales are pale gold, yellow, or white, sometimes with some brown.

MudWings live in the swamps of the Mud Kingdom. They are physically the strongest of the dragon tribes and have a broad and sturdy build. Sometimes a MudWing hatches from an egg the color of blood, and any dragon from that egg will have fire-proof scales. MudWing scales are thick and armored, usually colored different shades of brown and amber. The lifestyle of these dragons is kind of like a military. Each groups consists of only sibs, dragons who are siblings. The oldest and biggest dragon in the groups is the bigwings, the one who is in charge of the group and looks out for them all. The MudWings have a breeding night once a month, so none of the dragons really know who their fathers are.

SeaWings live in the Kingdom of the Sea. They have two palaces: The Underwater Palace, and the Summer Palace. They stay in the Summer Palace sometimes when they have guests from the other tribes. They have gills for breathing underwater, and glowy scales they use for Aquatic, the language they use to speak to each other underwater. The SeaWings in the royal family have a specific pattern on their wings.

The SkyWings live in the mountains in the Sky Kingdom. Right outside the palace is the arena, where the queen can make her prisoners fight each other to the death, which Ex-Queen Scarlet(from the books) did. SkyWings have larger wings then the rest of the dragon tribes, allowing them to fly farther and faster. They breathe fire, and their scales are different shades of red, orange, and gold. Some SkyWings are born with more fire inside their bodies then normal, and this causes them to have firescales, so whatever they touch either melts or catches on fire. These dragons are very hard to kill, so they are usually killed when they hatch, with the exception of Peril(from the books). Firescales dragons have bright/vibrant scales with smoke rising from them, and blue eyes.

These dragons live in the Rainforest Kingdom. They live in huts they built in the trees, and sleep in hammocks. They have an exact time during the day when they sleep for an hour on wooden platforms in the sunlight. The other tribes might call them lazy, but they are quite the opposite. Their scales change colors with their emotions, and they can change the colors themselves, which is used for camouflage. RainWings can spit acidic venom, that will melt any living thing it touches.

The NightWings are ruled by the same queen as the RainWings, because of events in the fourth novel in the Wings of Fire series, The Dark Secret. They live in the rainforest along with the RainWings, but live in a seperate village. The Nightwings' scales are different shades of grey and nearly-black purple, and they have silver scales scattered on the undersides of their wings like the night sky.. NightWings can breathe fire and used to be famous for their mind reading and future seeing powers, but very few have these abilities now. They can only have powers if they hatch under the light of one or more full moons(Pyrriah has three.). If a Nightwing hatches under one full moon, they have the power to either mind read or seeing the future, while two full moons gives them both powers. Dragons that can read minds have silver teardrop shaped scales next to their eyes. There has only ever been one dragon to hatch under three full moons, and he was extremely powerful, and to top that, he was an animus.

IceWings live in the Ice Kingdom, which is exactly what it sounds like. They can withstand subzero temperatures, and have frostbreath instead of fire. They have a bunch of icicle-like spikes, and their scales are white and different shades of blue. The Ice Kingdom is guarded by an animus enchanted defense called the Ice Wall. It only lets IceWings pass, and if you're from any other tribe, it shoots giant ice spikes at you.

HiveWings, SilkWings, and LeafWings currently live on a different continent called Pantala, but when book fifteen comes out, they will be on Pyrriah, so I'm just skipping ahead way past that. On Pantala, the HiveWIngs live in giant hives ruled by the queen and her sisters. Unlike in the other tribes, the queen's sisters are called Ladies instead of Princesses. The Ladies each rule one Hive, but the queen is still in charge of them all. HiveWings can be red, orange, or yellow, but always have some black. Whether it be stripes, spots, or anything else. The abilities vary between dragons, and some don't have any at all. They also have fpour wings like wasps or bees. They can have stingers/paralyzing toxin in their claws, wrists, or wingtips, or can have paralyzing toxin in their teeth.

The SilkWings live in the Hives with the HiveWings, who basically control them(in the books, but I gave them a queen this time.). The HiveWings also killed most of the LeafWings(again, in the books). They have four wings like butterflies or moths, and are usually named after the flying creatures. They can have any variety of colors, except for black. SilkWings can produce silk from their wrists, and sometimes there are flamesilks, who can make the silk glow, or make it be fire. They have no wings until they go through metamorphosis, where they stay in a cocoon for a few days. When they emerge, they have wings.

LeafWings live in the Poison Jungle, which is the only place that the HiveWings can't go, due to the dangerous plants. Most of the LeafWings have an ability called leafspeak, which lets them communicate and control plants. They have two leaf shaped wings and are variations of brown and green.


Hi can I help? I made up a SandWing a while ago named Sahara but she's not one of the queens so I'm not sure if I should post more stuff about her here. Good luck w/ your writing tho :)


North, of course you can help. You can put stuff about your OC here if you want to. Wheel-of-Fortune, thanks for your input! I've never made an antagonist character before, so I have no idea what I'm doing. I think it'd be fun to have Angelfish as an antagonist.