forum Any Witches on here?
Started by @Hac_KinG

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So! i am super interested in getting into it. Pretty sure im going to be a kitchen/garden witch. id prefer more inconspicuous spells (my fiancee would shoot me if he found out). so im looking for spells that will help with: Protection, plants, cleansing, energy, good fortune. please only good stuff. i dont want any negative stuff. please help! i still have yet to bless my BoS. so any and all spells would be appreciated! thanks!!! <3

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But, I think pintrest has a bunch of spells. I have never tried any of them so I dont know if they're the real deal.

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Same here, I just really want to know some good spells to ward off bullies.


i would think protection spells would do? maybe good luck? i think i know ONE good luck spell/charm

its a Fairy Bell blessing

you need: small silver bell
White candle
rose oil

Do at night. anoint candle w/ oil. announce you are asking fairies for some good luck. Ring bell 3 times and say:
When the bell rings, my spirit sings.
I call to the helpful fairies of light,
To bless me with their magick tonight.
Repeat 2 more times. leave candle, go to bed. wake up, ring bell once more, thank fairies, then do what you've gotta do!

when i found this one, it didnt tell me how long the effects would be good for, so im guessing it would be good for 24 hrs? id maybe do it once a week or even better, once amonth. you dont wanna ask them too often. they might get annoyed lol

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Lol, I'm able to see magic traces.. Kinda like if a powerful spirit was in the area I could tell
Its a bit hard to put into words
It's what got me into wanting to learn spells


im a HUUUUGE empath. So im in tune with other peoples energies/emotions. (its exhausing and i hate it most days). so im hoping to turn that extra energy into spells for the better (help gardens, improve my own energies, etc)

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That's awesome! I'm not good with emotions and am often referred to as "Scary"


lolololol i HIGHLY doubt you're scary! even though you've only typed a few things, it sound like you are nice!
im not very good with my own emotions because i feel other's so heavily, they often times influence/overpower my own.

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That must suck, and the reason I'm classified as scary is that these girls started gossiping then they talked about how scary I was and etc.
I'm not that nice, I've accepted it.

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all this stuff sounds really cool! I think when i get older (read: move out) i might get into it.


i've really been drawn to it lately, but like i stated earlier. my fiance would shoot me if he found out that i wanted to start this. He thinks its all of bunch of hokey pokey. so he'd make fun of me/get really mad if he knew i wanted to get into it. thats why, whenever iset up my altar, ill need to make it look inconspicuous and easily hide-able.

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does anyone know any good websites/ books to read to get started