forum Any tips for writing an ace/aro character?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 35 followers


  1. Write them like you would any other character.
  2. Except don't have them experience any sexual/romantic attraction.
    2a (optional). You might want to mention that they'd never felt that way. You don't need to make a big deal about it; just mention it once (unless their being ace/aro depends on the plot in which case idk).
  3. That's it. You're done.


Also, some stereotypes you might want to avoid (in case the question was about that and I misinterpreted it):

  • The shy, quiet, introverted ace. It's perfectly fine for an ace/aro character to be shy, but it isn't default for ace people.
  • The lonely, friendless ace. Going back to the first point, just because someone doesn't want a relationship doesn't mean they are bad at interacting with people or they don't want friendships. Complete social isolation is pretty rare.

Those are all I can think of off the top of my head, but other people feel free to add more


Also, remember that asexuality is a spectrum. And that being aro-ace isn't about being a "strong, independent person who doesn't need anyone" cliche, as it's not about disregarding feelings and suitors. It's about discovering and accepting that an aro-ace person has never, and most likely will never, experience those feelings for themselves. That's not to say that for some aro-ace, there isn't anybody out there for them. Some aro-ace people are looking for that special best friend, the unbreakable bond of a platonic soulmate. Some aro-ace people are still fine without that "certain someone" and just stick with a group of lovely people that they enjoy calling their friends.

Sorry if that was a bit jumbled. Lots of thoughts but not a lot of time to organize them.

Deleted user

Thank you all for that advice! What if the ace + aro character is friendless because they just moved to this town?

Deleted user

"A kuudere, sometimes written as kūdere or just kudere, refers to a character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical. They may seem very emotionless on the outside, but on the inside they're very caring — at least when it comes to the ones they love."
hmm… my character is more of a tsundere than a kuudere


Thank you all for that advice! What if the ace + aro character is friendless because they just moved to this town?

Thats understandable; my point is to avoid the stereotype that aces/aros are isolated from other humans in every sense (not just romantically).

@HighPockets group

"A kuudere, sometimes written as kūdere or just kudere, refers to a character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical. They may seem very emotionless on the outside, but on the inside they're very caring — at least when it comes to the ones they love."
hmm… my character is more of a tsundere than a kuudere

I mean I have an aro-probably also ace character who's kind of a kuudere, but that's because she's been pretty thoroughly traumatized in her past and is in general not the nicest person.


"A kuudere, sometimes written as kūdere or just kudere, refers to a character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical. They may seem very emotionless on the outside, but on the inside they're very caring — at least when it comes to the ones they love."
hmm… my character is more of a tsundere than a kuudere

I mean I have an aro-probably also ace character who's kind of a kuudere, but that's because she's been pretty thoroughly traumatized in her past and is in general not the nicest person.

Ah. But see she has s reason!

@HighPockets group

I have a few aro-ace characters (one is a duk, one a con artist, one a soldier, one a lawyer, and I think there's more?) and I'd say basically write them as you would anyone else, but without being interested in romance/sex.

Deleted user

the problem is… i generally write characters whose personality are like the stereotype of ace/aro
like, i can't remember anything i wrote where i didn't have one rosa diaz