forum Any one want to have a conversation.
Started by @Relsey

people_alt 34 followers

@The Anime Addict

Y'all I stayed up all night stressing about my English assignments and I also worked all morning searching and studying articles for it. I now arrived an hour and a half early for my English class (for other reasons) just to learn that the class ( my teacher said she has rarely cancelled class in her 13 years of teachings) only to see that class it cancelled. I now have three hours to do nothing!

@Knight-Shives group


The ship between Walmart and Aldi's.
She came in and I asked her if she found something specific at the store and she said she would check Walmart or Aldi's then repeated that but put Walmart and Aldi's together.
Jokingly I informed her she created a ship she agreed and said that they are now one store.

Deleted user

XD in my area there's a Walmart and Aldi less than a mile apart.