forum Any fans of Doctor Who?
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Deleted user

They got rid of Bill Potts… so sad she was badass.

Deleted user

Oh, you'll love her! She's a lesbian badass feminist university chef time traveller cyberman sentiet space oil warrior peacemaker who is just so awesome and…. well, you'll really like her.

Deleted user

She is, seriously tho I kinda wished she had stayed…

Deleted user

[Doctor Who theme plays at highest possible level of volume]


it is though. i LOVE capaldi i just think his version of the theme song is a little over the top

Deleted user

it is though. i LOVE capaldi i just think his version of the theme song is a little over the top

Same. I don't hate it, but I think Capaldi's was an example of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Deleted user

Then again, I have seen a lot of shows, anime specifically that have great openings and then halfway through the season they change it. It makes me kind of mad

Deleted user

i like how most of the companions got different themes except martha cause nobody likes her

Also how dare

Deleted user

i like how most of the companions got different themes except martha cause nobody likes her

No one can leave much of an impact after Rose. Not saying Martha was bad, she was just kinda forgettable in my eyes


rose was amazing and yeah i can see what you're saying. also martha kind of liked the doctor and that was kind of a no for me especially after rose leaving

Deleted user

Some episodes can completely change the way you look at a series, and Doctor Who is no exception. Take Riversong, for instance. Didn't seem important at first but is later revealed to be the Doctor's wife. In a show where she can technically travel through time. That makes a lot of the situations with his/her previous partners very awkward going back

@JillyB88 Premium Supporter

i like how most of the companions got different themes except martha cause nobody likes her

No one can leave much of an impact after Rose. Not saying Martha was bad, she was just kinda forgettable in my eyes

I don't think Martha was a bad companion but honestly her mood towards the doctors other companions would switch in like every episode and that just made her an unlikable character. She would be a sad and quiet in one episode. , then totally oblivious in the next, then angry and sarcastic in the next episode. She just tried too hard for his attention in a romantic sense that she could not see that it sort of pushed part of him away in a friendship sense. I hope that made sense.