forum Any choir kids?
Started by @PuffPoff

people_alt 9 followers


Choir concerts at my school aren’t very long since it’s just middle school choir and high school choir, and they take place ina little auditorium, but band concerts are so long and are held in a freaking huge audit. There’s 4th grade band, 5th grade band, middle school band, high school band, then jazz band and they all have at least 4 songs to get through. Unfortunately, I have to sit through the whole thing since my brother is in 4th and my sis is in the high school and jazz band.

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

At my school, everyone is like BAND YES BAND IS GOOD. VERY GOOD. Orchestra! Yup yup band is better but orchestra is still VERY GOOD. Choir? No, no, who cares about choir?

It's sad because our music groups (band, orchestra, and choir) all have multiple 1st place/superior rating trophies that we got just THIS year, yet we get no recognition. Our sports teams SUCK and yet all 6 of their trophies are displayed while ours are shoved into a storage closet to collect dust.


we don't get trophies in choir we get "blue ribbon awards" but we get to go to a competition this year where we might actually get a trophy


You think it's bad with your bands? My school's band has 200+ people. They're not a band, they're a small country/cult that plays instruments. Our competitive choir? 17-20 people.


Really? wow. Is my school just really weird then? My school has six choirs in total there being 200+ people, one band of 50-ish students, and one orchestra of 15 people


The school I used to go to basically divided you into Band or Strings (fairly equal numbers) and then we all had to do Vocal Music Classes. Then there were optional ensembles for each group that you auditioned for and competed with.


our school has 800+ people and it's divided abou 60% band to 40% choir


It's kind of sad how few people do some form of music class. Between marching band, choir, jazz band, and orchestra, I'd guess maybe 15-20% of my school does some music elective. It just feels so small compared to what it could be.


I'm so happy in choir right now we are singing Seize the Day from Newsies!


it's the one from the movie so it's a little different than what I'm used to


Heyo I'm an alto but my choir teacher said I'm going to be a soprano next year! We're singing Flashlight from Pitch Perfect, which all of the other girls in my class love but, as a classical musician, I'm only iffy about. But I got the solo so there's that


Oh and the music in my school is sadly all boys in band and all girls in show choir or choir. There's usually around 2-10 kids in orchestra per grade (poor orchestra). Most people choose not to do music whatsoever. There's so many Fine Arts options in my high school so I guess I should've expected that.

At my school Fine Arts is required.

Also I have played the piano for awhile now so I play and sing at my talent show every year because my dad wants me too