forum Any Catholics out there? (Idk I'm bored)
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

Wait, what state do you live in? (Just curious, not stalking! XD)

I live in SD.

Aww, πŸ™ I was hoping we were in the same state. Haven't found anybody yet. I really hoped (by a miracle) that you went to my parish πŸ˜„. I know it seems far fetch, but I just wanted to see.

Deleted user


Well I love you~😘
Still speak mumble?πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Deleted user

Ooooooh, that's your cat πŸˆβ€¦you need boyfriend?!….$mart, I like it!!πŸ˜†

Deleted user

Oh, 'Boyfriend' is a girl and she got a boyfriend?!πŸ€” Strange but unique.

Deleted user

Sorry, this is something from another chat we had!

Deleted user

So @TheLavenderOwl , when do you get out of school for summer or did out already? School been out for a week already over here.

Deleted user

Mhm XD

She says "Hel- cough-cough I mean, heavens yes!"

Deleted user

Yep, I'm homeschooled also. My mom tries to get us to finish a month early, but that never really happens! But I have been out of college for over two weeks now!

Deleted user

Mm D:

What? Did I hurt you somehow?!😨 (Or are you sad about that squirrel finally?)

Deleted user

You're in college? Cool.

Well it's a community college, but I'm working to get an associate's (idk in what yet) . My dad makes me. I hate it πŸ˜„

Deleted user

Yeah, it's soooo fun! No pressure at all! (^_^#)