forum Anxiety sucks ._.
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

I have no words for anxiety. It sucks.

Also fyi: not meaning that as in people in anxiety suck i am saying that having it is a burden ._.

Or something like that idk

Deleted user

But I have 2 friends who do.

Well 1 actually.

The other. Well. Died.


I fucking hate anxiety so much.
Like yes it is good in small doses.
But not like this lmao.

Not when you're diagnosed with a disorder for it and not when just talking to classmates cause you to stutter and slur your words even though you don't have a speech impediment. And I'm a senior. A SENIOR.

You can tell how much I really hate my anxiety lmao.


Everyone asks me why I won't write. People just take things like writing for granted all the time. In other places I'm asked to write and it's hard to explain. Everyone thinks I'm weak when I panic over something so small, yet it clouds my whole world for a while. I have hurt myself and other during a panic. Bottom line that I just can't get my brain to understand: there is no such thing as perfect. Sorry about this I just need to vent.


I fucking hate anxiety so much.
Like yes it is good in small doses.
But not like this lmao.

Not when you're diagnosed with a disorder for it and not when just talking to classmates cause you to stutter and slur your words even though you don't have a speech impediment. And I'm a senior. A SENIOR.

You can tell how much I really hate my anxiety lmao.

I'm sorry about that. It is hard when people take things like talking for granted or judge you for something like that. I promise I won't ever judge. You can always vent to me.


I'm here for other to rant to though. And I've been seeing a therapist so I can give some advice if you guys need it.

I see a therapist too, but she doesn't have OCD. She has done nothing to help me. She just doesn't understand.


Yeah. Some therapists just don't help at all. I just managed to get lucky with mine. There should be sites or chat rooms with others where you can talk about things like this. I can't remember the site's name at the moment but there you can find others like you who do have OCD and can offer help and advice that would actually work.


I would and there are many people an this site who know about these struggles. I'm just nervous about making a thread so everyone who happens to be on while it is on the first page will see.