forum Answer this pls
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

So, your chilling with your friends and boy/girlfriend gets stabbed. The killer runs off and before you can get your boy/girlfriend help, he/she dies. (You cannot call the police or ambulance, k??)
How would you inform their parents that your boy/girlfriend is now dead?
(This is for my story, don't freak out.)
Would you bring the body, or leave it covered up nearby?

Deleted user

Dont bring the body, it would put them into more shock than just telling them. Then offer to bring them to the body if they are willing.

Deleted user

How would you tell them?
I just want opinions on this since this happens in my story and i want to find a correct way of doing it. Sorry,lol.

Deleted user

Ask them to sit down and explain it to them calmly. Tell them exactly how and when it happened.

Deleted user

You're acting as if I am the person your talking about. gosh. lol
Alrighty, thank you for your help!


Whats the killers motivation? People just don't go around stabbing people for no reason. Were you mugged and he panicked? Was he on drugs when he was mugging you? There are a lot of factors. People don't just commit murder for fun unless they are psychopaths. Even Psychopaths have their own codes. Like they go after a certain gender or age group and they usually stalk their pray until they can find a moment alone. They don't want attention while they are committing the act. They want the bodies usually found so they have the thrill of a chase though. The way you described this concerns me. I'm more worried about the execution then how they child gets home and tells their parents.

Deleted user

i used the random stabbing guy as an easier example of whats really going on….
My character didn't randomly get stabbed, she was fighting in a war unbeknownst to her parents. A magical war, in a world where magic is said not to exist.
She was killed by Sycore, my antag, who found extreme pleasure in killing the one who kept him from his goal of freedom.

I was trying to make it more understandable and simple.

And why does everyone think im the one who's going through this??? I'm working on a character death and want to differ from the norm and enlight Ember's family of her death, and the four-year battle her and Hunter have been facing.

(sorry this took so long, i had to wait out the notebook crashes)

Deleted user

We don't think you're the one going through this XD

Deleted user

Personally, I would act dramatic and well ok this is how I would invision it to go. Run to the house, tell them what happened while crying. There.

Deleted user

Personally, I would act dramatic and well ok this is how I would invision it to go. Run to the house, tell them what happened while crying. There.

I mean, that's okay. But if you were to be telling this to her parents you wouldn't want to get them worked out before you even tell them. Unless you want to give them a heart attack before they even know their child is dead.

Deleted user

( Oh shoot, I thought you mean't like your parents. I would wait like a couple of days before going to tell them. Like I would sit them down and talk to them calmly well at least try too.


i used the random stabbing guy as an easier example of whats really going on….
My character didn't randomly get stabbed, she was fighting in a war unbeknownst to her parents. A magical war, in a world where magic is said not to exist.
She was killed by Sycore, my antag, who found extreme pleasure in killing the one who kept him from his goal of freedom.

I was trying to make it more understandable and simple.

And why does everyone think im the one who's going through this??? I'm working on a character death and want to differ from the norm and enlight Ember's family of her death, and the four-year battle her and Hunter have been facing.

(sorry this took so long, i had to wait out the notebook crashes)

I don't think people think your going through this. At least I didn't think that. I was using jargon and putting a point out. Usually I insert myself in my characters shoes whether antag or protag and play around with things. I think when people are talking to you about this they are talking with you in place of your character which isn't a bad thing. You is easier than keeping track of he/she/they/theyparents anyway. I didn't read the other comments though in all fairness because the description just jolted so many questions.
As for simplifying, sometimes its best not to do that because then people will end up wasting time helping you in the wrong way and you may not get the answers you were looking for or may have needed. In a scenario like this it became so over simplified I could never have guessed how to even proceed. Mystery? YA Post A? YA Supernatural? Fantasy? This scenario can span any genre.
In this case that you re-described. I don't think the main character would tell their parents immediately. I think they would panic and hold it in either until it festers unhealthily or until they have to address it. You would probably too, and I would as well. I think that would be the rational response to this question. With the odd circumstances surrounding the persons death it would be difficult to explain anyway and there would be a factor that no one would believe you the police would get involved into a missing persons and you would undergo a mental health evaluation. People would think you have undergone trauma and in some cases lock you up for observation for a while. In the case that you were covered in blood and couldn't sneak past the parents then you would have conflict that forces you into that nasty situation. If you could in their shoes you would probably sneak in and change and shower and hide your clothing because you would want time to process and not get bombarded with questions.

*Edited for spelling mistakes… Sorry.

Deleted user

Oh, thank you or clearing that up. I just don't really like jargons. Sorry, my bad. I think of my characters as other people and give them different responses to different things, rather than what I'd just do. I understand the "You is easier than keeping track of he/she/they/theyparents anyway" that would be confusing.
It's urban fantasy, and it's confusing.
My character, Hunter, is extremely honest and smart. He knows the risks he has in keeping it secret. (Getting murdered by Robert, Ember's older brother.) And the amount of damage it can cause. A missing person report is the last thing they need.
They're fighting Sycore, a power thought to be forgotten, with another power once again thought to be forgotten. With my plans for Gen2, it'd interfere greatly with the whole plot. The SNCI would take them in for testing, and other government crap. They'd never go back to their families, which is something i've spent a lot of time developing. The promise made by Hunter in Ember's last moments ("Protect Bryan, be like a brother to him.") wouldn't ever be fulfilled, Hunter wouldn't be a brotherly figure to him anymore and since Bryan isn't in the whole story much, he'd be left alone.
I plan to have him break and tell everything to Ember's family, just to knock him from his normal self. He knows the small chance of Ember's family believing him, but the evidence is everywhere. Once they hear it all, it'll click and make sense. I'm still working on it, but yeah.

I hoped this helped some.

Deleted user

I know i was just asking for suggestions on different ways to approach someone after a death, not really anything else. ._.
I'm sorry for wasting your time, you can leave now.

Deleted user

Just walk away salty, walk away. Nothing to see here at all, now shooooooooo.

Deleted user

Sorry Jensy but this is hurtful and confusing trash now goo please.