forum Another post dedicated to self-love!!!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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@Becfromthedead group

I know I seem kind of sad and quiet most of the time, but idk, I’ve always been mostly comfortable with myself. I think I have good work ethic, and I’m usually pretty smart, at least when it comes to books and academics. That’s a hard question because I’m pretty sure I can count on one hand the things I dislike about myself…
I more or less came here to help tell other people that they’re more amazing than they think they are, and that they’re worth more than they know. I’m looking at you @Qxeenscryche There’s definitely some quality that you have that makes you amazing, you just don’t see it yet.

Deleted user

but my parents and my family say that everything about me is bad…………………

@Becfromthedead group

I really like my eyes! It’s a weird thing to like, I know, but they’re a really nice blue… And mascara makes them look really nice. So, yeah…

That’s not that weird at all. I like my eyes too, especially with makeup to bring them out. After all, they do say eyes are the windows to the soul, or something like that.

@Becfromthedead group

but my parents and my family say that everything about me is bad…………………

Anyone who’s willing to tell another person that they have no worth is wrong and needs to look in a mirror. People who do that have more than enough of their own problems to be criticizing you.


I really like my eyes! It’s a weird thing to like, I know, but they’re a really nice blue… And mascara makes them look really nice. So, yeah…

That's awesome! I get how it is…

Deleted user

but my parents and my family say that everything about me is bad…………………

Anyone who’s willing to tell another person that they have no worth is wrong and needs to look in a mirror. People who do that have more than enough of their own problems to be criticizing you.



but my parents and my family say that everything about me is bad…………………

Qxeen, don't let them bring you down. I know I've said it before, but you've got some serious fortitude and grit, and you're such a kind, funny, sharp-tongued soul… Don't let them get you down, you're amazing…


but my parents and my family say that everything about me is bad…………………

Anyone who’s willing to tell another person that they have no worth is wrong and needs to look in a mirror. People who do that have more than enough of their own problems to be criticizing you.


No "but" Qxeen, you're one of the best people I know, you're an underdog, but you can make it through everything, you're so strong…

@Becfromthedead group

Just because they’re your family doesn’t mean they get to criticize you. It also doesn’t mean they truly know you. You don’t need to listen to their criticism. You just need to be your own best. There will be a day where you can distance yourself from your family, should you desire. They don’t deserve you if they’re going to tell you you’re not enough, and they definitely don’t deserve a chance to knock someone else down.

Deleted user

I just realized my parents know barely anything about me. My friends literally know more about me than parents.


I know I seem kind of sad and quiet most of the time, but idk, I’ve always been mostly comfortable with myself. I think I have good work ethic, and I’m usually pretty smart, at least when it comes to books and academics. That’s a hard question because I’m pretty sure I can count on one hand the things I dislike about myself…
I more or less came here to help tell other people that they’re more amazing than they think they are, and that they’re worth more than they know. I’m looking at you @Qxeenscryche There’s definitely some quality that you have that makes you amazing, you just don’t see it yet.

Being comfortable with yourself is an important thing, darling. I'm glad to see that you hold yourself in relatively high regards.


I just realized my parents know barely anything about me. My friends literally know more about me than parents.

That's usually how it is… I can totally relate, so yeah… I knew you'd see it our way!

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s the same for me… my mom is kinda critical of me, so I’ve never felt comfortable talking to her about anything. You’re not alone. I’ve noticed a lot of people here deal with that. You’ve got a whole community backing you up.


That's family for you. Everyone thinks they're hot shit in my family too, but I usually put them in their place… Most of them don't even know that I have the depresso, or anxiety… Or any other thing…

Deleted user

Ummmm, myyyyyyyyyyyy hair….?????????????????????????????? Idk anymore