forum Another Good Post?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Yeah… It is… It's me, Shuri…
I just want you all to know exactly how much you all mean to me… I verbally cannot express how much you are all worth to me… It literally transcends my capacity for logic… Each time I see you all post I am relieved because each post is a testament to your safety… Each post let's me know that you were or are alive at the time it put it up… That is an immeasurably great hift to me… To know that you're all alive… I value each of you leagues more than I value myself… I know you all have flaws and you're all human… But to me you are amazing miracles… Keep doing what you're doing, my darlings… I just care for all of you so much…


my self-esteem has sky-rocketed thanks to you, Shuri. you're a wonderful person and never let anyone tell you different

@Rvan group

Thank you for this, Shuri. It’s really nice to have someone like you here to lift people up when we feel like we can’t go on