forum Anorexia
Started by Maya

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Does anyone have any experience with Anorexia? I'm writing a book and I would like to be as accurate as possible. If this is too personal, don't comment, but if you know anything about recovery or the struggle and what it's like, let me know (if you would like to).


If you have netflix, I recommend watching "To The Bone". The movie is heartbreaking and a little hard to watch but it tells a great story and accurately depicts what it's like to have anorexia, and what family and friends go through with an anorexic person that's close to them. And I have personal experience with eating disorders but not anorexia

Deleted user

I suggest you watch this video from someone explaining it from a first-hand point of view and struggle. It's accurate and heartbreaking.

Technically in that video, she didn't really say she was anorexic. She said she would often go on eating binges, followed by purging all the food, which is bulimia.
If you'd like to know the signs of anorexia, here's a link:


Thanks os much for the help, I'm not allowed to watch "To the Bone" thanks to my sensitive depression, but I'll check out the video. Thank you so much @winter for the link!