forum ANNOUNCEMENT: Rules for Halloween Costume Game
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 14 followers

Deleted user

Hello everyone,
I see many users have already dressed up their profiles for the Halloween game (which will last from today to the 31st). However, I do see some confusion for some users who do not seem informed of it. Here I will post the rules and guidlines just to clarify.

#1. No inappropriate profile pictures or usernames.

#2. If you know who a "dressed up incognito" user is because you either
(A). had a very recent chat with them
(B). you have a pm chat with them and or they told you who they are,
please do not reveal to others their actual username. I see users are using the phrase "Snitches get stitches" on here for this game.

#3. Do not just keep persistently guessing at random a person username. Because where's the fun in that? Try to converse with them or spy for a signature word or action to try and guess their identity.

And lastly,
#4. No going onto a users profile to try and search for their actual username or looking for characters, world, ect that you know a certain person created. You have to guess the person identity soley on how they speak, act, and other identifiable traits.

No cheating please. Your goal is to trick people into thinking you're someone else and survive until Halloween. There really is no reward if you do win, however bathing in the satisfaction of it is quite nice. Have a great time. :)

New Rule: no going into previous chats to try and find mentions of peoples usernames.


YOU'RE NOT andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)!!!!!! andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) IS A PREMIUM SUPPORTER!!!!!!!

Deleted user

So y'all like my costume ?😁

I wanted to become a god, so I did >: D

But seriously, these are the rules which I have compiled.

(Thanks Bandito for playing along XD)