forum An Envigorating Message From Shuri-kun to You!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Each and every one of you is a perfection among even the state of perfection…

You are all capable of, and have achieved, massive things despite the fuckery of modern society weighing upon you…

No matter how different you are, you are no less than anyone else, in mind, body or soul, if we even have one…

You are all molded from the clay of Eden's rivers, and infused with the perfect spark pf Zeus…

I wish each and every one of you the best!

I promise, that I will try my best to make you soar higher when you're up! And cushion your falls when you're down!

Thank you for blessing us all with your presence! You are, each and every one of you, positively superhuman and divine in your morality…

Thanks for taking the time to listen!