forum Am I overreating/advice?
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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Okay so, I'm not very active in the general chat anymore but I need some advice right now since I'm kinda stuck…

Recently I've been feeling like myself and my significant other have become distant. I know with everything going on in the world right now it's hard on everyone. I know that his mum is not allowing him to meet with friends or me which is limiting and also, we're no longer attending school so we can no longer see each other in person.

But even with all of that, we don't text. Like at all. We used to text all the time when we could. Even when he was playing video games he'd try and talk to me. That's stopped.

We've been Face-timing this past week, but only for about half an hour to an hour and it's before bed. But other then that, we're not talking.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for the times we do talk, but it just feels different.

I know it's partly my fault for this distance because I suck at reaching out and starting conversation. But when I do it's always cut short because he has to do chores or he is going to go play video games.

My mental health is notorious for being crap but recently it's been a lot worse, probably due to the isolation. I need to see and talk to him but I can't do the former and I don't know how to do the latter. I get he has a life outside of me, I understand but I feel like I've being neglected if that makes sense? I see him active on socials but he doesn't reach out and when I do it's only for about five minutes before he has to go do something or another.

I dunno. I'm feeling really stuck and I don't know what to do about it. I don't know how to confront him and talk to him about it because I don't want him to feel guilty but also it really hurts at the same time… I'm not sure if I'm overreacting about this and making it more dramatic then it is but it hurts to see us become so distant.

Any advice?

@Pickles group

Would it help to ask him in a less confrontational way? Like, instead of saying, "We're not talking a lot anymore and it's not good for my mental health, talk to me," you could say something like, "Hey, the isolation has been pretty hard on my mental health, and I think that talking to you and my other friends more would help."
That way you stay clear of it seeming like you're accusing him of something (and if he does take it that way, he's not the only one in the hot seat) but you're still asking to talk more