forum alright let's brainstorm infinity war angst mates
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

So… what do you think happened after the events of Infinity War? Where do you think all of the snapped people are? Brainstorm below!

Deleted user

Ok one they're in the soul realm
two they're definately going to use time travel
Three Adam Warlock and Captain Marvel


i think only one major avenger is going to die bc whoever dies will be such a huge character and a fan favorite that they deserve all the attention and screen time. I doubt Thor or Hulk are going to die, since they've been given a reboot of sorts with Thor ragnarok. So it's really between cap and iron man. i'm leaning more towards cap because i feel like tony would be more willing to step down and retire than cap would. Tony could continue to provide tech support etc without taking the focus away from the other heroes. Cap, however, has no definite purpose and would be unwilling to retire. However, iron man's story is definitely wrapping up, and a huge sacrifice play would be an amazing way to complete his character arc. So…it could go either way, imo.