forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers

@Toaster group

I can't walk in any heels. I'm afraid of breaking something. That's why I only wear tennis shoes. They haven't come untied since I bought them.

Deleted user

Eh. I wouldn't say that. 8th grade's a pain in the ass. Especially when you're the youngest one there-


Oh, I feel that. I skipped third grade, and so I was the youngest in my grade too. Also middle school is - and I do not say this lightly - hell.


High school is better. Trust me. even when you're the youngest in your grade and couldn't go to dances for the first two years of high school

Deleted user

AhhHHHhHH Dont remind me about dances. I dont have the guts to ask her yet-

Deleted user

Ahhh Thanks- I just need to get her out of her friends inner box. She's always crouded-

Deleted user

Thanks! Maybe Ill ask her a few weeks after school starts.


Right, Imma shamelessly promote something here: my friend Keaton has recently done an album, "Dream is a Dangerous Word", and it's under KeytonXII on all music platforms, and y'alls should go give it a listen. I'm only on the fourth track, and I'm enchanted.
Not going to be offended if you don't tho, he just asked me to tell people about it