forum Aftermath
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

This is some of the aftermath from the dam failure/breaches in Michigan. Fortunately nobody died as a result, but there are families that have lost their homes and possessions. To say that this is devastating is an understatement. The fact that the community is pulling together during these trying times and cleaning, retrieving items and returning them, and even being charitable is awe inspiring and gives me hope for the future. People from other areas and states are even coming out to lend a hand.


Wow. It's heartbreaking that this happened to so many families, but it's wonderful that there are still enough decent people in the world to gather together and help their community. It's strange how humanity works; they can be the most heinous, cruel creatures or the most pure-hearted things.


I'd say!! I am so sorry that this happened to you and your community. I've seen floods that have damaged our property, but never has my home been flooded or my most prized belongings damages. I can't begin to understand your loss. Even so, I offer you my deepest sympathies and prayers!! This year has been a rough one indeed.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

My family was fortunate; we still have our homes and our things. ☺ Right before Memorial Day I spent 7 hours spraying mud off of flags, and hung some of them up around town.

Yep, 2020 can die now.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Lately it has been feeling like we've been forgotten about. I understand that it takes time for everything to get through the bureaucratic red-tape, get across desks, read, etc. It still feels like the dam failure/breach disaster has been forgotten about and that we're being left to try to recover on our own….

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

UPDATE: Rebuilding has been happening very slowly. After all, there were 3 dams that breached/failed. Ours, unfortunately, is at the lowest point so we get a long wait for the other two to be repaired.

As for the town itself… it's still a heartbreaking eyesore. However, there are a few businesses that have been and/ or are being remodeled: the local Eagles club; the hardware store; a beauty salon; the post office; and a locally owned restaurant that will be staying in town. The other restaurants had no choice but to relocate to the mall, which is about 30 minutes away. The major losses are obviously the lake, the park, and the restaurants that had to relocate.