forum aesthetic scenes to write your characters into
Started by @_Gro0vy_ group

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@_Gro0vy_ group

I have been doing this for a while, where I describe aesthetically pleasing scenes ut really can't find a good way to write my characters into them, I kind of wanted to make an inspiration thread, where we all post scenes and prompts and things to give each other inspiration. I'll go first to give you a clearer idea aout what i mean, these are two that im proud of but don't really fit any of my stories:

~ Midnight at a coffee shop, small groups of people talking in low voices, their words melt with the low soothing sound of a love song playing on a hidden radio, dim golden lights.

~Old piano notes echoing off the walls of an old house, tall ceilings, dark oak doors, and bookshelves lined old books written in a long-forgotten language. Oil lamps casting an eerie glow on the walls and the faces in the paintings, the eyes seem to follow you around wherever you go, thick dark curtains pulled back to let in the pale grey light of a mid-afternoon sky after a storm.


~late at night in a small town diner, dancing to some eighties love song on the jukebox because no one else is really there except for a couple people who sit at the counter drinking coffee. insomniac vibes, the bright lights versus the darkness outside, and a strange but comfortable vibe

~three in the morning, or watching the sun rise. sitting on the fire escape or the roof right outside your window, a blanket to combat the early morning chill and a cup of just-steaming coffee, rosy cheeks and a new appreciation for life singing in your heart. the air is cold, the world quiet. even the birds are still asleep, and there's no one up but you.

~sitting in a denny's after a formal event, prom or homecoming or a wedding. nice clothes, done up hair and makeup. the fries and milkshake half gone, a faint pop song playing over a radio that no one ever really sees, and the smell of eggs being fried for the mom and her son who look like they've come from a soccer game. staring out the window as the rush of social event induced adrenaline fades from your veins, knowing a friend will be by soon to join you.


~Driving home at night so late that you feel as though you are just watching through the eyes of someone else's body, completely guided by memory and habit. Streetlights glowing mutedly through fog, turning the eroded pavement shades of gold. You can hear the hum of the engine die as you finally pull into your driveway, and for a moment, with no one else around, the world is completely still.