forum advice????? please???
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 37 followers

Deleted user

so recently an old internet “friend” got back in touch, which would be fine but

  1. I was trying to leave that period of my life behind
  2. Wherever they are, drama follows.
  3. They text me ALL. THE. TIME. At least 5 times an hour, and I kinda hate talking to them. And, I don’t want to be on my phone so much, but I have to have it on me because I feel bad not replying.
    BUT they have a lot of home problems and i dont want to make them even sadder by moving on, but I realllllyyyyy want/need to. I considered just blocking them, but I can’t. Any advice?


Tbh, they sound toxic and it’s really not your responsibility to take care of them. It’s a boundaries thing. You’re not their caretaker, and you are well within your own right to put you first for the sake of your wellbeing. I had a friend like that; they used me and manipulated me, making me their therapist and scapegoat, putting all blame on me all the time. It’s better to let them go.

Deleted user

I agree, but I need a tactical, nice way to do it.
Also, apparently she used to have a crush on me and she’s said like, 3 times that “she hopes those feelings don’t resurface” like girl wth


Overdone here is right, this person does seem rather toxic, in fact, and it's probably best to cut them off. You're wise in making this decision. It is quite possible that they are attempting to manipulate and use you.

Going about this sort of thing us hard, really. I suggest dropping small hints their way, just enough for them to get the message. If they lash out at you, use this to your advantage to distance yourself from them. Over time, you might find that you begin to grow further, and further from them. Pretending to be really awkward can help.


If you take it slowly, they might start to move away on their own if they notice a lack of interest from you. If they're really just searching for attention, they'll probably move on and try to find it in another place.

Deleted user

apparently she had to change her Snapchat, which is how she contacts me. maybe i Can just not add her back